Recent content by El dreamer Soñador!

  1. E

    Subscriber Milestone Subs and Views

    New goals for me: Sub: 1649/1,800 views: 202,487/250,000
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    Subscriber Milestone Subs and views!

    Finally I got my goals complete! Subs: 1649/1600 Views: 202,487/200,000 New goals for me: Sub: 1649/1,800 views: 202,487/250,000
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    VLOG Whoes scared heights ? o.o

    I'll never do it.
  4. E

    Subscriber Milestone Subs and views!

    Hello Everyone, Here my goals: Subs: 1492/1600 Views: 179,194/200,000
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    Me He Desayunado con Algo Increíble

    Mi ultimo video acerca de Este Batido de aguacate que esta hecho a base de: Medio aguacate Un Limon Dos vasos de Leche Dos cucharadas de azucar Espero que lo disfruten.
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    Necesito Tu Opinion Como Espectador

    Te voy a dar un secreto, que no es un secreto para crecer como burbuja en YouTube, de verdad es que deberias publicar tus videos en grupos de facebook, identificar cuales grupos podrian interesarle ver tus videos, hacerte un miembre recurrente y de cuando en vez, subir tus videos tematicos por...
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    YouTube Watch, a new Youtube competitor that might succeed?

    Interesting, but is facebook willing to let users monetize their content someday? I just can't believe it is going to happen.
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    Subscriber Milestone 400 subscribers

    Don't Give up! Keep Going and finally, you will succeed. That's the thing...
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    Subscriber Milestone Reached 200 subs!!

    Congrats to you @DiabolicalHam !
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    Entertainment Feeding 100 Homeless With 100 Mc Donald Burgers | Social Experiment

    Very Nice Bro!! I hope you get all of your goals! and I Will subscribe to you!
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    FFF Summer Time & Forum Credit Giveaways!

    Thank you, @Crazylawrence for your generosity.
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    Official Goodbye Youtube's video editor!

    I Only Used it When I Was Newbie, I Used It putting Picture together and adding music. I will not miss it at all.
  13. E

    Hola chicos, soy nuevo y estoy listo para empezar!

    Gracias Inky Girl por darme la bienvenida, muchos exitos para usted!