Recent content by FUBAR Gaming

  1. FUBAR Gaming

    Fun and Games Zombie Apocalypse Game

    i have a fold up chair. but at least that would help with the knife i always carry in my pocket lol
  2. FUBAR Gaming

    Fun and Games Yum or EWWW!

    yum pizza w/ ranch
  3. FUBAR Gaming

    Fun and Games Who Can Post Last?

    i dont think it will be me lol
  4. FUBAR Gaming

    Fun and Games Reverse Order YouTube

    Pewdipie Next : O
  5. FUBAR Gaming

    Fun and Games Channel Name Rated

    I am going to say 9/10. Your channel name has a retro gaming sound. and when i go to your channel you actually do have some games i have played and some of them are ones i havent played in a while.
  6. FUBAR Gaming

    Must watch T.V SERIES

    1.Game of Thrones 2. Sons of Anarchy 3. South Park
  7. FUBAR Gaming

    Favorite Anime?

    IDK what to choose. If i had to choose though i would probably have to say Attack on Titan.
  8. FUBAR Gaming

    Name A Large Youtube Channel You Watch

    Lets Play from Achievement Hunter. Gavin kills me hes so stupid
  9. FUBAR Gaming

    Infinite Warfare Opinions?

    sadly COD is a dieing series, and i absolutely loved playing it. it barely survived once Ghost came out. The issue is the creators arent listening to thier playes and fans. Battlefield 1 is going through a time where its fans have been asking to play.