Search results

  1. NoSignal

    PC Funny moments!

    Hey guys I am looking for about 4-5 people who have gta 5, csgo and other games. If you just wanna play games and laugh then your the guys I am looking for. - Have GTA V or CSGO - Sorry but no squeakers - be at least 15 - Have a good mic Just comment down below if you wanna play and record...
  2. NoSignal

    Tips & Tricks How to be seen?

    This is a fairly easy tip to follow. Just try to be really active on twitter, Facebook and Reddit. Also try looking for other gaming forums on the internet and maybe say hey if your bored come and check out my channel. Trust me guys you just might get some people who really like your content! :)
  3. NoSignal

    Gaming Hello Freedom! Family

    Hey guys my name is NoSignal and I am 16 years old. I am from the US and I really enjoy creating videos to post to YouTube. I play mostly any game :) I wanna make people happy with my videos that I post!