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  1. OOTWGZephir

    Gaming HOW NOT TO FARM! Farming Valley EP 1

    join zephir and shady as they take a break from saving teh world and jjust kick back and enjoy a little vacation one island doing bit of farming this map is a minecraft farming mod where you rebuild a village earn gold from farming raise livestock such as cows sheep and chickens this...
  2. OOTWGZephir


    join the gang as they take part in the very 1st year of over watch being out
  3. OOTWGZephir

    Gaming MEET AXLE BALD MAN!! Alien Isolation Ep 2

    join zephir and drake as they continue to explore the Sevastopol Station on there journey they meet Axel and many looters yet no aliens when will the alien appear who knows find out by watching the upcoming episodes
  4. OOTWGZephir

    Gaming BACK AT IT AGAIN!? Outlast 2 Ep 1

    join shady and drake as they take on another mission full of scary monsters psychopaths and many more things that want to kill you eat you or do what ever to you.
  5. OOTWGZephir

    Gaming I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU!! Alien: Isolation EP 1

    Zephir and Drake depart on the Anesidora, to help main character, Amanda Ripley to find out with happened on Sevastopol Station and her mother but things lurk within the darkness...
  6. OOTWGZephir

    Gaming GET TO THE PAYLOAD!! OVERWATCH - Omnic Uprising

    join zephir shady and drake as they go back to the era off when the omnics had control over kings row there objective is to disable the anti air turrets and then escort the payload
  7. OOTWGZephir

    Gaming TEA BAGGERS UNITE!!! Overwatch EP 4

    Zephir starts tea bagging everyone he kills, Drake loves voice acting and Shady wants to be Genji!! Overwatch is a first person shooter that has be created by blizzard entertainment
  8. OOTWGZephir

    Gaming FARTING MUSHROOMS! Pit People EP 5

    Shady and Zephir take on another mission to help a person to need to go to the loo?! They encounter some ememies and get them into a right old mess...also no pooping allowed!!
  9. OOTWGZephir

    Solved on my freedom profile it says not in ypp

    hey how to i solve the not in ypp issue on my profile i got my yt acc monitised and gone through all of that but it still says im not in ypp anyone help m,e with this
  10. OOTWGZephir

    YouTube Views Milestone been with freedom 2 days already had my views doubled

    i only been with freedom for 2 days and so far i seen my views doubled and even had a lot more subscribers thanks to everyone i hope to get even more in near future hope you all have a good day/night
  11. OOTWGZephir

    Gaming hey i'm new on freedom today

    hey everybody im matt (zephir) i just joined freedom today and thort i say hi to everybody i been you tubing for a lil while but never realy thort about a network but i got convinced by friend and yer im now with freedom and so far i love it the current games im recording are pokemon alpha...