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  1. CptRussia

    Comedy Tape that kills

  2. CptRussia

    Comedy When Men are Angry

  3. CptRussia

    Request Rate this meme

    this is gonna be really overused for the next couple of days XDDDDD
  4. CptRussia

    Request Another meme?

    just want some opinions about my latest memes haha
  5. CptRussia

    Request Review my memes

    this is a new one i made xddd
  6. CptRussia

    Comedy Dont Touch the Birb

    something i made idk xddd
  7. CptRussia

    Comedy the only lead we have is this sound

    New meme. Enjoy xddd
  8. CptRussia

    Request Good meme?

    i dont know why this foot letuce thing is a meme, but what do you guys think of this? xddd
  9. CptRussia

    Comedy >When you Die

    some shitpost idk xdddddddd
  10. CptRussia

    Request Review my Channel aka review my memes and shitposts xdddddd
  11. CptRussia

    Comedy Do you know the way

    VrChat was a mistake
  12. CptRussia

    Request Do you know the way

    Please give me your opinion on my meme Also please explain to me what is so funny about this???? Im so confused xddd
  13. CptRussia

    Comedy Perfect Picture

    just some video idk xdd
  14. CptRussia

    Request Perfect Picture

    What are your thoughts on the Kylo Ren meme, oh and this video xdddddd
  15. CptRussia

    Comedy Monsters Inc

    Took me ages to find the alternate ending to Monsters Inc so here it is XDDD
  16. CptRussia

    Request Monsters Inc

    Yea took me a while to edit this, give me your thoughts on the edits XDDDD Rate my channel if you want idk who cares
  17. CptRussia

    Comedy What are you listening to?

    Just a little meme i made to ruin your holiday. Hope you enjoy lol xdd
  18. CptRussia

    Request What are you listening to?

    So i started making memes and shitposts now. Thoughts? xddd Also whats your intake on Jake Pauls new song?
  19. CptRussia

    Comedy Ricegum Roasted?!

    Ching Chong Hope you enjoy the garbage i make XDD
  20. CptRussia

    Comedy I Almost Died!!!

    Yea i have no idea what i made XD