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  1. Takedownman

    YouTube I Got My Channel Reinstated For the 5th Time!

    So I have been getting a lot of trolls false flagging my videos left and right on YouTube in the last 3 years my channel has been terminated 5TIMES! However I know a little something a LOT of YouTubers don't and that are "Trusted Flaggers" used to be YouTube heros . If you get false flagged or...
  2. Takedownman

    Remember We Are All Leaders! So Never Give Up!

    I want to start off with a question. How many people here are completely comfortable with calling themselves a leader? See I’ve asked that question across the country and no matter where I go. There’s a huge portion of people that won’t raise their hands. And I have come to realize that we have...
  3. Takedownman

    Educational Collaborate With Livestream Talk Show! 140K + Subs!

    Ok so this whole livestream thing is new to me and I have been working on building a community and so far it is working REALLY well. I am trying to turn this into a talk show where we speak on conspiracies, life, mental disorders, research, science, ect, I have been doing this in an interactive...
  4. Takedownman

    YouTube Only 2% of my subs are getting notifications...

    So I have been looking into why my views were so low. I have over 143,000 but only around 3,000 are seeing it. So after digging into it, I am finding ONLY 2% are even being notified. Is this an issue YouTube can fix and if so, how and who do I talk to? This is killing my channel and honestly my...