Search results

  1. Nolan Westmore

    Official Updated - New Freedom! Network Joining Requirements

    An improvement. I personally don't see myself stumbling upon the need to rejoin this or join any network for the foreseeable future, but the network should be capable of producing greater benefits to its members if it has some degree of exclusivity.
  2. Nolan Westmore

    Request What games should I record in ps4

    Before you make a decision of what to record, look it up and see what kind of competition and how much competition you're going to go up against. Odds are with many popular games (GTA, CoD, Minecraft, The Last of Us) that you'll never get many views because you'll be put up against titanic...
  3. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube Forced to Quit...

    As long as you provide them with a reason to see that it is something that isn't impacting your potential success in real life, they shouldn't care. If you try to show it to them as a "this is a thing that could lead to a bigger thing", then they won't give two shits because they're too old to...
  4. Nolan Westmore

    Awesome gaming rigs

    It's big and its expensive. My biggest tip is to not have a set budget and buy the high end things as you can afford them.
  5. Nolan Westmore

    New games

    The original trilogy is heralded as one of the greatest gaming series' of all time, and it's my favorite franchise overall. It's often called a "space opera" where your actions in one game influence what happens in the games after it. I don't want to go into detail because it's one you need to...
  6. Nolan Westmore

    New games

    I haven't been too far entrenched in the gaming world in terms of new releases, having just completed Mass Effect: Andromeda to ~96% of all its content, I may need something new soon.
  7. Nolan Westmore

    Beam Team

    It's been a while since I've seen the site, looks like they were finally able to crack 1000 consistent viewers across the site. Although, like any other streaming site, the odds of you gaining an audience are minimal for obvious reasons, see the "Minecraft" section with just under 1000 views...
  8. Nolan Westmore

    I`m leaving YouTube

    So let me get this right, you are quitting YouTube because your video is not visible to about 1% of your potential viewing audience?
  9. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube YouTube Bans Sub4Sub!

    Actually, you see earlier in the article linked above, it also says Now they say that it can lead to channel termination, but each time that I've reported someone for it they remain active on their channel and continue their destructive Sub4Sub habit.
  10. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube Goals and Motivations for Youtube!

    I don't have a particular goal. I have the feeling that if I were to set a goal, it would dehumanize the aspect of people subscribing and interacting with my channel. Let's say I hypothetically set a goal to 1000 subscribers, setting that goal would turn it from the idea of 1000 people...
  11. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube 1 viral video.

    You can't dream for something that happens by chance, but you can take steps to stoke the flames for a potential viral success. But fewer than 0.1% of channel could say they had a good viral success, so don't place your wagers on it and just make what is good for you to make without the idea of...
  12. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube Not sticking to one genre?

    If you are engaging in a medium and are dissatisfied because it isn't going anywhere, you are doing the wrong thing. You must produce content that you are fine with being relatively unsuccessful with. The expectation of success will drive your morale into the ground and you'll end up quitting...
  13. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube Secret of viral channels.

    You make the right content that can be found, and you'll grow faster than anyone else on the platform. So many people are trying to produce similar content to others, and while it sometimes works if you do it right, you aren't likely to get any reverberating word of your channel through the...
  14. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube Help reviving my channel

    That is a no-go. On Reddit it is expected of you to take part in the community and give your own influence back to it rather than trying to use it to generate an audience. Remember that your audience is on YouTube and very little exists outside of it, which is why I say you need to learn to...
  15. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube Youtube help regarding copyrighted shows

    There is a form of content called a "Watchalong", which is where there is a video of you watching the show intended to give loners someone to watch the show with.
  16. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube ABSURD!!! My own music not advertiser friendly?

    Don't be surprised with their system being extra-sensitive right now with the advertiser boycott and whatnot.
  17. Nolan Westmore


    Don't try to record in environments where it has been proven to be difficult to record.
  18. Nolan Westmore

    Is having artistic one-word titles spam?

    It's difficult to justify about the metadata related to the videos. YouTube does have an option to report videos for having misleading metadata (like saying "GTA 6 GAMEPLAY" when just rambling about random things over GTA V gameplay. But it's a very blurry line to draw because what could one...
  19. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube Self Promoting On Bigger Youtube Channels? Good or Bad Idea

    Self-promotion in any form, even if it is just hinting at it, is not only a terrible idea but classifiable as spam as a violation of YouTube's community guidelines. When you promote in the comment section of another channel, you are effectively acting as a parasite trying to leech away at the...
  20. Nolan Westmore

    YouTube 6uploads a week?

    What kind of content do you make? Unless it's a like vlog where what happens and when really matters, then you could just bulk make videos on one or two days and edit them when you can. That would make it possible to do seven.