Search results

  1. TheOgGrove

    PC Minecraft Voltage SMP Season 1!

    as content goes i cant really showcase much, i have a fifa series that came to an abrupt end because of a friend deleting my save... anyway i was streaming earlier today in spanish 2v2 bo3 but i assure you im english, i just live in spain if you want to...
  2. TheOgGrove

    PlayStation COD BO3 team

    im looking to form or be part of a cod bo3 PS4 team most importantly to play 2v2,3v3 and 4v4(MLG and/or gfinity) but would also record arena and pubs im based in spain but i am english im 23 years old and would prefer older players id say 17+ just because ive had bad experiences with younger...
  3. TheOgGrove


    hey seems you are British based... i live in spain and would be able to stay on a schedule if needed i can stream 300down/30up i consider myself good on the sticks i dont have anyone to upload bo3 with but i am interested on recording arena and gb´s, 8´s etc... P.S although in spain i am english...
  4. TheOgGrove

    PlayStation FIFA 16 COLLAB

    i would if youre still up for it
  5. TheOgGrove

    PlayStation 4.8K YouTuber Looking For Some Chill PS4 YouTubers!

    Age:23 Gender:male YouTube Name: TheOgGrove Subscribers:14 Average Views Per Video: not much Skype: daniel.carl.gibb PSN: xX-SHD.Xx id like to add that ive not been active because ive been mad busy but should be starting to upload regularly as from today/tomorrow (i have 40+ hours of cod to go...
  6. TheOgGrove

    PlayStation Lightinadarkroom ps4 collab

    hey i play quite a lot of cod psn: xX-SHD-Xx ive not actually got any videos of cod ive been mad busy but i have maybe 40 hours of footage that i need to go through...
  7. TheOgGrove

    League of Legends Summoner Names

    loiterx level 8 supernoob looking to learn the ropes