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  1. DoomVsGaming

    Youtube name ideas??

    Hey fellow youtubers. I've been trying to create a new YouTube account, but I've been struggling to find a name. I'm looking for a name that relates to my name. My full name is Abdullah Naeem. I like Fifa, Counter Strike, and Unturned. If anyone has any ideas please let me know thank you!!
  2. DoomVsGaming

    VR Anyone Want a Shoutout on Youtube?
  3. DoomVsGaming

    PC Minecraft Recording group NEEDED

    In interested add me on skype@ abdullah.salah54
  4. DoomVsGaming

    Gaming Funny Moments w/Friend

  5. DoomVsGaming

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    Hey guys in this video I answer the questions I was asked and reveal the shout out winners!!
  6. DoomVsGaming

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    Shout-Out Video / Q & A