return to youtube

  1. DraycosDragon

    VLOG Thoughtful Thursdays (possible returning vlog series)

    Here's just a random vlog I posted a few weeks ago. It just went public like 6-ish hours ago (from the time this forum post is made). It's part of my "Thoughtful Thursdays" series I've been planning to bring back to my YouTube channel. It's basically a series where I just speak my mind...
  2. DraycosDragon

    VFX Request [Free] Intro/Outro for general channel

    I'm deciding to bring my old gaming channel back. Well... it's not ALL gaming. I guess it's more like a general channel since I used games AND vlogs on the same channel (I always think that people who make multiple channels are only on YouTube for the money which I think is a bit pointless and a...
  3. Nuke

    Gaming I Returned To YouTube + Paladins Gameplay

    Hey guys, I haven't uploaded in SO long due to life so here's a short commentary with amazing Paladins gameplay as Viktor! :cool: