Network TubeBuddy returning?


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
If this is confidential information, just delete this thread and keep moving on with your day, I thought because this many people have asked for this to return it'd be cool to make a thread about it.

Thanks for opening this thread, the clickbait has worked.
Now it is clickbait, it's not bad clickbait (like this) though as there may be something about it.

So today I got an email to my channel Email by a member of Freedom! Support [through [email protected]] that stated the following:

Freedom! Support said:
This is to inform you that we have reviewed your channel and it has qualified to get TubeBuddy access from Freedom! We have limited access available for selected partners and we have chosen your YouTube channel to be part of our license.

Please visit TubeBuddy at to download the app extension and login or create an account using the same Google email used on your YouTube channel.

When coming home I went to my PC and opened, logged in and voilá, I had a Network license. As this is a very known request I thought I'd share it. And yes, it is the same thing again, a Star License, which gives you access to pretty much most the features. What is interesting to note though is that the license comes from a Freedom! Subnetwork on TubeBuddy's end.

Could this be a return of the thing everyone's sought after for this long?!