Apex Legends VS Overwatch: Bloodhound spots Widowmaker! | Games on Queue | MGN (2019)

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Mar 21, 2019 at 8:40 AM
Posted by Koala_Steamed
Hey there! For this episode, we will be talking about characters who are deadly with sniper rifles. We will pit Bloodhound and Widowmaker and see who is the better marksmen or woman. In order for you guys to get more insight into the match. We shall break down their strengths and weaknesses.

We will be talking about their skills and weapons that will potentially give them the edge against each other. Apex Legends characters are so different from Overwatch characters so to make things fair, we will be giving Bloodhound a loadout that will pose a challenge to Widowmaker. Check out the episode now and let us know how do you think the duel will play out!

Once we have discusses these topics, Nold will be giving out his honest opinion on the match and also site winning conditions for both combatants.

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