My Thoughts On : Plague Inc Evolved (2016)

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Jun 19, 2017 at 9:57 PM
Posted by zeke morgan
Welcome back to another 'My Thoughts On' review videos. In this episode we take a look at Plague Inc Evolved (2016) which is a real time strategy and simulation game developed and published by Ndemic Creations.

Plague Inc Evolved (2016) is a remake of the 2012 Plague Inc, and once again sees you taking control evolve and develop a pathogen in order to destroy the world. The game uses an epidemic model to simulate the spread and severity of the disease and players must think tactically on when to evolve their virus in order to prevent it being noticed by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), who will then try and develop a cure.

Plague Inc Evolved (2016) features a campaign mode where players will take control of several pathogens in order to destroy the planet, and will have to tackle these scenarios different to suit each pathogens needs and limitations. Also Plague Inc Evolved (2016) comes with an additional 'Challenge Mode', Speedrun Mode, and Official Scenario Mode, in which players can be in control of well known viruses such as the Black Death and some rather intriguing and fun pathogens, such as spreading the festive cheer.

However Plague Inc Evolved (2016) does come with its faults, each missions plays out very similarly, and the game does feature a steep learning curve, in which one wrong move can spell the end for your chosen pathogen. Also the random generated events, can lead, especially for the harder pathogens such as the Necroa or Simian Flu, to players having to replay levels over and over just to complete them as certain situations seem stacked against the player.

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