S1, Ep10. Voices From the Past Haunt This Place | Let’s Play: Mortal Online 2 Alpha

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Aug 25, 2020 at 9:08 AM
There is one particular place in Fabernum that has at one time in the distant past served as a symbol of the Tindremic Empire's power and control over northwestern Myrland, and a ghastly place of incarceration.

That place is none other than the infamous prison dungeon hidden beneath the Fabernum guard tower which has long been abandoned in the present timeline. However, the ghostly voices of torment and pain haunt its hallways and corridors to this day...

00:00 - For Your Viewing Pleasure
01:32 - Some New Settings Have Been Added
04:00 - At Last, We Have Torches
04:18 - Our Journey Into the Haunted Dungeon Below Begins
06:35 - I Wouldn't Be Surprised If SV Took Inspiration From Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall
08:51 - If You Fear Getting Lost, Here's a Way to Find Your Way Out
12:04 - My Thoughts on the Dungeon So Far
13:07 - I Mentioned a Friend's Name Earlier, Then Met Him Later in the Lower Levels
15:36 - For the Sake of the Playerbase, Please Don't Let the Torch Swing in the Offhand

Mortal Online 2 is the long-awaited sequel to Star Vault’s long-running first-person sandbox MMORPG. Explore a massive open sandbox world and choose your own path, but be aware, danger lurks around every corner in this full PvP full loot world.

At the time of this video, the game version was in early alpha: https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/app/1170950/view/5384570009882329789
You can find out more about Mortal Online at the game's official website: http://www.mortalonline2.com
Mortal Online 2 FAQ: https://www.mortalonline2.com/faq/
The game can be purchased and played on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1170950/Mortal_Online_2/

Background music:
Thunderface - Jon Sumner: https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/9QL0Ynowm2

Courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Used with permission under partnership with Freedom! MCN.

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