Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt [8] | Rare Monster Grind

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:28 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Completing the side-quest "I Like My Monsters Rare."

+ Two-Legged Drifters - find 4 or 5 of these wandering about the Hunter's Grotto, immediately around the Lodge.
+ Pink Boroks - travel from Hunter's Grotto as if you were heading to Scylla's Grove - you'll run into 3 spawn areas. There are more at Ardorton Station, if you prefer.
+ Slagged Spores - these will be a possible spawn among the other elemental-spores that can spawn in Hunter's Grotto, Candlerakk's Crag and Ardorton Station.
+ Tailless Scaylions - these inhabit the caves of Scylla's Grove, though I got all my kills at Candlerakk's Crag.
+ Albino Skags - I got all my kills at the southern-most area of Scylla's Grove. I've read they can also be found at Ardorton Station, but can't personally confirm.

Disclaimer: Borderlands 2 is a game developed by Gearbox Software, and published by 2K Games - I do not have any affiliation/association with Gearbox or 2K, nor do I claim to have any affiliation/association with them. I do not own, or claim to own, any part of the displayed content - this video is for entertainment purposes only.
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