goal for this month

  1. Rahul Plays

    Watch Time Milestone 3678 hours

    I've set our to hopefully achieve the 4000 hours of watch time in a month i.e by February 20th. Currently my channel is at 3678.35 hours of watch time which is just a bit short of 4000 hours to stay partnered in the YPP. I already have over 1000 subscribers so with that milestone out of the way...
  2. Diversified Unison

    Subscriber Milestone Reached over 100 Subs!! New Goal 150.

    Today we reached over 100 subscribers, currently at 120.. So we've increased our goal to 150. Hopefully we will be able to reach that goal. :)
  3. trollyxllama

    Gaming new to this :)

    I play cod bo3 and goat simulator, madden, etc.A new youtuber:) goal by the end of this month: 25 subs! plz i am new and i have all the proper equipment and i love to share content
  4. trollyxllama

    Entertainment New to here ;)

    Hi, i have got all the proper equipment i need to fulfill my dreams by creating content that my veiwers will enjoy. my goal is 25 subs by the end of this month!