rainbow six siege

  1. Mistaken Gamers

    PlayStation Need at least 2 more Rainbow Six Siege team mates

    we could use 2 more teammates to have so we have a full team. we record almost every single day. more than 2 is ok for when someone isn't there. This is only on PS4. ADD and Message XbLMuNcHeR if interested
  2. shadow232anm

    XBox Rainbow Six Siege Group

    Hello, I'm looking for a Rainbow Six Siege group to squad up with. So all of us can make better quality content. By making it little easier, since Rainbow Six Siege is heavily dependent on teamwork.
  3. NexusProxy

    PlayStation Looking to Build a PS4 Squad

    Hello, I am looking to create a (PS4) Rainbow Six Siege squad of 4-3 Players. Cause/Reason: I started playing this game (Rainbow Six Siege) In the middle of April, since then, I've noticed how hard it is to get in a team that actually communicates. I feel that creating this squad would solve...
  4. EquanzaGaming

    Operation Dust Line - Rainbow Six Siege

    Operation Dust Line - Rainbow Six Siege If any of you out there play Rainbow Six Siege, I'm sure you'll of seen the teaser trailer for the new "Operation Dust Line" DLC. If you haven't, you can see it here. So, we know we're getting two new operators, one new map, and possibly some (much needed)...
  5. EquanzaGaming

    Gaming Ode to Ash - Rainbow Six Siege

    Before I say anything, thank you for checking out my post and hopefully my video too! Ode to Ash - This is a new idea I came up with for a small series focused on operators from Rainbow Six Siege. I'm really proud of what I've been able to make, although I wish I could have made the video a...
  6. U

    Gaming YouTube

    Hello, can someone or anyone go check out my YouTube, if you enjoy subscribe, comment and like? My channel goes no where at all. It hasn't changed in like a year, i need a kick start. So can someone check it out? https://www.youtube.com/user/undeadviking1 Also follow me on Google+...
  7. ItsLans

    Gaming Hey, im Lans

    Hey im Harry but i go by Lans to most of my online friends, I found freedom through a friend recommending it. I joined their forums to meet new friends, and help myself grow. I started YouTube because i thought it would be fun (I was right). I run a gaming channel with just over 1k and mainly...
  8. Sharrazar

    Gaming Real Zombie Plays Rainbow Six Siege!

    Hi guys! I have a real interesting video here which you may or may not seen on Youtube before. a zombie (me) plays Rainbow Six Siege! It is probably the most weirdest thing you have ever seen on Youtube or close enough! To Infinity and Beyond! I Salute You! Goodbye!
  9. MoleculeGaming

    PlayStation Looking for age 17+ YouTubers to collab with!

    Hey everyone. We're looking into doing some collaborations on PS4 in games such as Call of Duty Black Ops 3 and Rainbow Six Siege (or perhaps an other game that we share; feel free to recommend one). Below are the requirements that we are looking for. If you fit them and you would like to...
  10. techyGreg

    PlayStation Looking for Colabortions on BO3, Destiny, Rainbow Six and Guitar Hero

    hello everyone I'm a PS4 user looking for collaboration on the titles mentioned in the title. I have a series in the weekend that I plan to get popular on my channel. I'm bordering 300 subscribers and will help out smaller and similar channels. My time zone is Central Time and looking for anyone...
  11. techyGreg

    PlayStation Black Ops 3 (4 Man Squad TDM Only)

    Hello Everyone, My name is Greg but go by N00bin Hard on Youtue. I have started a series on YouTube called Community-Play where i try my best to play with the community in a party but being a small YouTubers is not that easy. I am looking for at least 4 people to do a colab with to kinda get...
  12. N

    Gaming So yeah this is my Youtube check it out if you want

    My name's Jack I'm an English Youtuber who just starting making YouTube videos last week. I started YouTube just to show my friends my videos but realised i might as well try to reach a wider audience. I run a gaming channel (Rainbow Six Siege but will look to expand soon) posting short...
  13. NightShadow

    Gaming Rainbow Six Siege #1 - i suck at this game but its fun

    hello Freedom :D i just started a new series and i wanted to share the first video here with you :) i hope you will enjoy it and there will be many more videos to come in this series :)
  14. S


    I've always loved games since I was small. It was a method I used to be in my imagination world and since then I haven't stopped. Because of my love for games I started a youtube channel called serious gamer LINK( https://www.youtube.com/user/IImutantII ) I play FPS games such as Rainbow Six...
  15. MoleculeGaming

    Gaming How To Suck At Rainbow Six Siege :D

    We suck at games.
  16. OneShotMidget

    PlayStation GTA 5, BO3, Rainbow Six Collaboration (Australians only for connection purposes)

    G'day, my name is OneShotMidget otherwise known as Sean. I'm looking for Australians around 14-16 years of age to collaborate and play and record Playstation games. My channel is aimed towards funny moments but it's hard to do them by myself. No certain amount of subs required. Requirements-...
  17. Nightcover

    Gaming & Comedy: Rainbow Six Siege in 1½ minutes. You won't regret it!

    Hello Freedom Family! I made this little video of my experiences with Rainbow Six Siege, I hope you will check it out :)
  18. MoleculeGaming

    PlayStation R6S / Black Ops 3 / GTA 5

    Hey everyone! Looking into doing some collabs on any of the aforementioned games with some other fun and humorous people. Let me know if you're interested :) Here is one of our recent videos.