review 4 review

  1. Video Olympics

    Review4Review Commentary channel

    I have a commentary channel and I talk about stories and stuff. I was wondering if you could give me a review and some personal advice for my channel and commentaries. I will return the favor! Thanks :D
  2. MicahFischer2

    Review4Review Could Someone Review My Latest Video for A Review in Return

    Could you review my latest video here? Reply with a sentence or two about what you thought then tell me the video, channel, channel art or other aspect of your YouTube channel you want me to review
  3. KushalGamer

    Request Can You Review My Vid!

    I want to know if you like my video! I want someone's opinion if my video is good or i should change something! If you want me to review yours you can comment below as well!
  4. The Undead Zombe

    Review4Review Review/Advice

    I was hoping someone would review my channel or give me advice. I feel lime theirs a lot of missing potential in my channel but I just dont know what. I was hoping someone can review me and hopefully give me some insight. I'll review your channel to and give as much help as i can thank you for...
  5. TJ (Makofeesh)

    Review4Review Created A New Channel/Looking For Ideas

    Hey Freedom Family, So about 2 days ago a couple of my friends contacted me about a new YouTube channel. My channel, Makofeesh was a gaming only channel which I got rather bored with. This new channel is more about doing challenges and doing stupid stuff in real life. If you guys...