Do you think BO3 will be good or another COD flop?

Cold Ransom

Rising User
Oct 3, 2015
Georgia, United States
I think Black Ops 3 will be a great game for Call of Duty! Advanced Warfare had a nice idea with the exo system, but it wasn't nearly as refined and tuned as it should've been, which has been fixed in Black Ops 3. I think this, combined with the hard work being done Activision in the eSports community will take this CoD to a new high in for the Franchise. :)
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Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
I think they'll try to rehash the old formula from the last two games, and focus waaaaaay to much on zombies.

The story will be lacking, and the multiplayer will be the same-old "run-and-shoot" instead of something with skill.


Freedom! Member
Jan 5, 2014
It'll be good imo. I played the beta and it had a way better feel than AW and Ghosts had. Personally I haven't liked a CoD since BO2. And I haven't loved a CoD since MW2. I might be able to like BO3.

Also, with the release in like 8 days or so, I gave this a sticky! :)
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Rising User
Sep 27, 2015
It'll be good imo. I played the beta and it had a way better feel than AW and Ghosts had. Personally I haven't liked a CoD since BO2. And I haven't loved a CoD since MW2. I might be able to like BO3.

Also, with the release in like 8 days or so, I gave this a sticky! :)
Thanks :)

Stretch AdventureKS

That Skeleton!
Freedom! Member
Sep 4, 2014
Have no interest in it. If it's good, well good for them, if it's bad, than it's definitely no surprise, but it's just getting exhausting with a release every year of CoD like it's an official holiday or something.


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Aug 11, 2014
World at War is still my favorite COD game. I do not buy any of the new call of duty games minus black ops for zombies and that only when a friend gets it says it suck and sells it for like 30 bucks a week after it comes out lol. I do play the new COD at peoples house and to be completely honest I think they started dieing off after BO1. However, some aspects of each game brought something cool to the game itself like the revamp of zombies in bo2 and some people would say the same with multiplayer in AW.

Me personally I think the game will keep putting out games because people buy them and unless they see a drastic drop in sales for a new release they are just going to keep doing the "same old song and dance,my friend".
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 31, 2015
Black ops 2 did what other games in the series didn't do. Not only was the multiplayer ok, but the SINGLE PLAYER let us mess around with loadouts and choices with the story. While that may not matter to everyone, its still a major point to look at, because it goes to show the effort put into the game.

In order for Black ops 3 to be good, it needs to MATCH BO2's single player, it needs to do as good or even better for multiplayer maps, and of course, people are really looking forward to zombies ( which I personally didnt play much of ) so as long as that portion is good, then perhaps Black ops 3 will do just fine.

At this point though, debating that a CoD will generally be different is probably not as big a point to make. CoD is run and gun, CoD is face paced, CoD is either hit or miss. But even though I havent played since BO2, I have some hope for this one.


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
I have played the Black ops 3 beta and I know they will make alot of changes to do with the game and how it works , such as perks , guns and the specialist that they offer but from playing I do not think that the game will be a flop and that is because it is pretty well balanced and for me anyway I think that Treyarch have always made awesome games.

The way zombies is looking it is going to get alot of people playing it as it seems to be awesome even though I dont play it much I intend to play it alot and for my channel to but they seemed to have put alot of work into the whole game which I think for them will prove to work out.

The online its self will have a different experience due to the specialist characters because this is soemthing alot different and has not been done which I think is awesome and makes the game fun aswell and the movement system is very good aswell unlike AW its not over done and has the right amount of movement so for now I have alot of hope in Black ops 3

So lets see.....

GamingWith MOAB

Rising User
Aug 7, 2015
Well I've played the full game and beta and I did t like AW BUT BO3 is amazing it's like in between classic old cod and new cods it's the perfect gaming experience and its worth the money