Dropshipping Question


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 8, 2016
Hello. I've been looking for an answer to this question everywhere and cannot find it.

If I want to sell a treadmill on my website from "SOLE Fitness" do I have to contact them and ask if they support dropshipping before I actually make the item available to purchase?



Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Aug 8, 2016
Brisbane Australia
Quite a few years ago i use to do Ebay/sell quite a lot of product as a part of the business I had at the time.
Drop shipping in a nut sell.

You can get a product from a warehouse or suppler for X price.
You list the product for sale @ X price.
The customer buys the product from your site.
You then use the customers $ to buy the product from the suppler.
Suppler sends the product to the customer (if you have a good relationship with the suppler) you can have them send it with out there name or advertising or even your own.

I personally would contact the supplier first as (9/10) company's have no issues with this as they get a sale regardless but if you don`t want there name on the involve or any promotional materiel added to the box what some company`s can add contact first.