Hello, I am Michael Huber

Apr 24, 2016
Hello, I am Michael Huber I am a 12 years old and i am a student at LoveJoy Discovery School #43, and i do YouTube solely for fun. I like making gaming videos about Minecraft, but with my computer i cant make many YouTube videos. I am in the posses of making a new gaming computer from scratch. I need two more items to finish the build, the CPU which is $100 and the GPU which is $220, and with home work and studying my YouTube upload scheduled has to be flexible. My family is a low income family so i am trying to get money to support the family, the only way i cam which is YouTube and Twitch and i am having no luck and someone hacked my other account that my Uncle made,so i had to make a new one which means i had to make a new channel. Hope To See You There :)