Gaming Hi, World of Freedom! (TheIvanitic20, Gameplays in Spanish)

TheIvanitic20 /Ivan V.R

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Nov 18, 2015
Your name: Simply, my real name is Iván, but my Youtuber's alter ego is TheIvanitic20
(Optional) Where are you from?: Spain!
(Optional) How old are you?:15 years, road to 16 on 22nd November!
How did you find Freedom!? For a Network, it's called CriticalGrade (I think)
What made you join our forums?: Random?(It's a valid answer?)
What are your hobbies?: IT squared, and Videogames
What is your favorite food? Pasta, pizza..
Why did you start YouTube? Because my friends had a Youtube channel. Now I'm the most suscribed channel in my village!
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? Being a Software Engineer.
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming and tutorials
What kind of content do you upload? Minecraft, Rust, CSGO...
When do you upload?: I'm trying to do a video once a week, on friday, saturday, sunday (maybe monday mornings on my mobile...)
Channel link: