I Have Tried Everything


Rising User
Jul 19, 2015
Okay so I have tried Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, & another forum and I am not getting any extra views or even subs.

I have tried to do more videos and get nothing. I spread my videos out and I seem to get more views on videos but such sporadic views makes me wonder what I am doing wrong.

I know I do not make enough videos to get a lot of attention but hello, confused over here, I have 57 subs and my videos don't even get 57 views..... What???? How can you be subbed to someone and not even watch their videos?

Any advice on how to promote my videos in a more professional manner. Just sharing them on my social media sites and on my personal facebook page is not doing any good.

Should I make a separate facebook page??
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Reactions: Brent Cone


Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
Okay so I have tried Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, & another forum and I am not getting any extra views or even subs.

I have tried to do more videos and get nothing. I spread my videos out and I seem to get more views on videos but such sporadic views makes me wonder what I am doing wrong.

I know I do not make enough videos to get a lot of attention but hello, confused over here, I have 57 subs and my videos don't even get 57 views..... What???? How can you be subbed to someone and not even watch their videos?

Any advice on how to promote my videos in a more professional manner. Just sharing them on my social media sites and on my personal facebook page is not doing any good.

Should I make a separate facebook page??
Well your not doing anything wrong, but the problem is Youtube it self. Youtube promotes bigger channel now more than it used to. So bigger Youtubers will get more views and subs, meaning more money for them. It is really hard to break the glass ceiling to get notice nowadays. A lot of people are doing the same thing, so yeah....

So my suggestion is..have a lot of networks and do collabs or something..And if you manage to get a big youtuber gives you a shout out or even like your video..it will definitely help you out...
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Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2015
Okay so I have tried Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, & another forum and I am not getting any extra views or even subs.

I have tried to do more videos and get nothing. I spread my videos out and I seem to get more views on videos but such sporadic views makes me wonder what I am doing wrong.
Not sure how you're going about promoting yourself, but I've found that people tend to stick around/subscribe after you've made a connection with them outside of your videos. Like for instance talking to people on forums or social about stuff other than your channel. You only have 35 messages on here, get chattin :) Same on social media. If you have a dedicated page, you can comment on topics from your page. If you post self-promo comments on topic that people like, they'll probably look at your page or profile and see links to your channel. But it takes a lot of interacting with people since it's so easy to have a YT channel and everyone wants eyes on them. ;)


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Feb 19, 2015
Okay so I have tried Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, & another forum and I am not getting any extra views or even subs.

I have tried to do more videos and get nothing. I spread my videos out and I seem to get more views on videos but such sporadic views makes me wonder what I am doing wrong.

I know I do not make enough videos to get a lot of attention but hello, confused over here, I have 57 subs and my videos don't even get 57 views..... What???? How can you be subbed to someone and not even watch their videos?

Any advice on how to promote my videos in a more professional manner. Just sharing them on my social media sites and on my personal facebook page is not doing any good.

Should I make a separate facebook page??

Be consistent, I just checked out your channel. You are fine. Be patient and pretend there are MILLIONS watching!
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Mythic User
Getting around 10-20% of your subscribers watching is fairly standard, even channels with thousands or millions of subs have the same.

For your type of channel I'd suggest getting to know a lot of people who run similar channels. So find your favourite beauty channels and comment on their videos (don't use this to advertise on their channels though). A lot of the time the people will notice that you are an active fan and may check you out, also they may end up sharing/liking your videos.

Sharing the videos on your Facebook and Twitter wont really do much, chances are if they have you on Facebook they already know who you are and your youtube channel.

Brent Cone

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Nov 21, 2014
Getting noticed on Youtube is Way way way way harder than it sounds like!
We all pretty much struggles with this! ;)

Just keep on making videos because you like making videos and I believe viewers will come over time! :D Just never give up! :)

I also checked out your channel! :) Just glad to help! ^^


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 17, 2014
I am mostly showing new games for old systems. In order to get some more subscribers I have worked together with Retrounlim and was also part of their liveshows. I have also used video responses which were approved by AlphaOmegaSin. That has given me some views.

Try to find collabs for your niche, so that the viewers of the other channel getting to know you.

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
I try to spread this specific advice because it tends to be pure logic. My advice is to not post in places dedicated to YouTubers. You want viewers viewing your videos, not YouTubers. I say so because when YouTubers use places like that, there is usually a really high rate of Sub4Sub guys, and they are horrible to have attached.

The best and only good places are on your personal pages, twitter/facebook etc.
When it comes to getting more views, you got to have a good SEO. I know there is a tool around that shows what people search for, and in the proper use you could get some decent views.


Freedom! Member
Mar 2, 2014
I try to spread this specific advice because it tends to be pure logic. My advice is to not post in places dedicated to YouTubers. You want viewers viewing your videos, not YouTubers. I say so because when YouTubers use places like that, there is usually a really high rate of Sub4Sub guys, and they are horrible to have attached.

The best and only good places are on your personal pages, twitter/facebook etc.
When it comes to getting more views, you got to have a good SEO. I know there is a tool around that shows what people search for, and in the proper use you could get some decent views.

The exception I find is when the place is dedicated to youtubers but is located on a site or forums that isn't. A good example would be the official minecraft forums has a video section where youtubers can post. In cases like that, it isn't just youtubers viewing your stuff.

However, if we are talking about places like Freedom forums, I agree with you entirely. It's usually what I tell people as well. There is no point in trying to advertise videos here. Most of the time if someone is interested in checking someone out here, they will do it on their own.


Respected User
Oct 24, 2015
Okay so I have tried Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, & another forum and I am not getting any extra views or even subs.

I have tried to do more videos and get nothing. I spread my videos out and I seem to get more views on videos but such sporadic views makes me wonder what I am doing wrong.

I know I do not make enough videos to get a lot of attention but hello, confused over here, I have 57 subs and my videos don't even get 57 views..... What???? How can you be subbed to someone and not even watch their videos?

Any advice on how to promote my videos in a more professional manner. Just sharing them on my social media sites and on my personal facebook page is not doing any good.

Should I make a separate facebook page??

Is because you try for getting views...Try to make what you do because you like it, it´s not bad to have as goal of being viewed and all that stuff..But you need to understand that you have to act like in life:
If you like doing stuff, if you believe in yourself...if you have faith and treat others like you would like to be considered, it would be seen by the viewers and critics.
You keep uploading videos and keep being yourself and at the same time, don´t look at the moment on numbers, just keep sharing, keep being yourself and with a possitive attitude and be patient.;)
People can be subbed to someone and don´t see it because remember, some people like some stuff you upload in the moment, someone other stuff that you uploaded before.


Rising User
Jul 19, 2015
Thanks everyone for your comments. I believe that doing collabs would be a good addition. Surprising that you talk about SEOs because I work on that with my blog but I never really thought about my videos. I try to do some tags but I do not want to over-tag my video and then have it flagged. I definitely need to do more research on SEO for YouTube.

I plan on doing videos I love and want to try no matter if it gets one or one-hundred views. I just feel disappointed in myself that my content doesn't seem to catch much attention. As long as I keep at it the views will hopefully come. Thanks everyone for your support.


Renowned User
Aug 19, 2014
Just keep upload what you love, Good thumbnail, Good Description, title tags etc helps you !
Final thing you must be Unique (In your content, thumnail etc) ! thats all i know!

Tom Klin

Respected User
Jun 25, 2014
its very hard to make it on YT
if you want views try to make a video about recent stuff thats happening for example YT red or reviews of the latest games or you could upload something similar at the same time that another famous youtuber is uploading
thatl guarantee you in the top search results and if you're lucky your vid might appear on that person's suggestion video list on the right.thats how i got 1 vid over 2M views:)
i wish you good luck with your channel.


Respected User
Oct 24, 2015
Is because you try for getting views...Try to make what you do because you like it, it´s not bad to have as goal of being viewed and all that stuff..But you need to understand that you have to act like in life:
If you like doing stuff, if you believe in yourself...if you have faith and treat others like you would like to be considered, it would be seen by the viewers and critics.
You keep uploading videos and keep being yourself and at the same time, don´t look at the moment on numbers, just keep sharing, keep being yourself and with a possitive attitude and be patient.;)
People can be subbed to someone and don´t see it because remember, some people like some stuff you upload in the moment, someone other stuff that you uploaded before.
Don´t be dissapointed, just keep doing your best