
Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Jul 16, 2015
My name is SheepDreams. :p
I'm from the farm of course. ^-^ Hehe jk im actually from the u.s.a!
Well technically I age in sheep years so lets see about 3.19 yrs? Am i right? Ah well maybe next time.
I found freedom while searching google for the dankest of memes. Then freedom came up. So i click then. I saw it was pretty chill so i joined :p
To meet new people of course! Also to comment on everything. Come on let's be honest i have nothing else to do. xD
My hobbies are your hobbies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My favorite food. I don't have one. All foods are beautiful remember that. #Stopfooddiscrimination
I started youtube to make people laugh like everyone else! Also just for fun. Its great to think people actually want to watch what your mind comes up with!
My biggest dream is to own a dragon. KIDDING
Is actually to have loads of people to inspire everyday through youtube! Road to 1MIL!
I run a comedy channel. I guess its also gaming. I do different things so i just broke it down to comedy.
I upload once every other day. Then i take one day for editing and upload again. it's great haha
See ya all around. Thanks for reading :p


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Feb 6, 2016
Welcome to Freedom!

Hope you enjoy your stay! ;)

"I'm from the farm of course." xD


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
My name is SheepDreams. :p
I'm from the farm of course. ^-^ Hehe jk im actually from the u.s.a!
Well technically I age in sheep years so lets see about 3.19 yrs? Am i right? Ah well maybe next time.
I found freedom while searching google for the dankest of memes. Then freedom came up. So i click then. I saw it was pretty chill so i joined :p
To meet new people of course! Also to comment on everything. Come on let's be honest i have nothing else to do. xD
My hobbies are your hobbies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My favorite food. I don't have one. All foods are beautiful remember that. #Stopfooddiscrimination
I started youtube to make people laugh like everyone else! Also just for fun. Its great to think people actually want to watch what your mind comes up with!
My biggest dream is to own a dragon. KIDDING
Is actually to have loads of people to inspire everyday through youtube! Road to 1MIL!
I run a comedy channel. I guess its also gaming. I do different things so i just broke it down to comedy.
I upload once every other day. Then i take one day for editing and upload again. it's great haha
See ya all around. Thanks for reading :p
What got you interested in sheep? :p I'm from the United States as well! Freedom is a chill place in general, but it takes a small amount of time to get adjusted here ^^


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Welcome to freedom !

I have always wanted a pet dragon :( one day :)

I wish you all the best here in freedom and with your youtube career !