Gaming Let's Play Pokemon Snap - Episode 1 - Beach - Part 1

xZenx xGamingx

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 22, 2016
I love pokemon i do it on my channel i am actually doing a Pokemon leaf green Versus series and Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Soul link if you wanna go on my channel and check it out but could you please explain to me what pokemon snap is


New User
Freedom! Member
Sep 1, 2014
Houston, Tx
I love pokemon i do it on my channel i am actually doing a Pokemon leaf green Versus series and Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Soul link if you wanna go on my channel and check it out but could you please explain to me what pokemon snap is
I love Pokemon as well im doing a whole Pokemon Month on my Channel right now if you are interested, i might extend it to next month so that way more people can enter to win prizes by reading the descriptions. Anyway now that thats out of the way, ill think about checking out your channel when i have time, like i said im doing pokemon month and its leaving me very busy. Ok so Pokemon Snap is a game for the N64(Nintendo 64) where you play as Todd(from the Pokemon Anime) a photographer who is also Prof. Oaks assistant in this game for some reason and Prof. Oak wants you to go take pictures of wild Pokemon for his PKMN Report(maybe this was before the Pokedex?) so he can have the pictures. So he sends you to different areas on your Zero-One Vehicle to go take pictures of them. But its on rails lol so its like an on rails shooter but you take pictures of Pokemon instead of shooting lol. Then after you have finished the level you can choose which pictures to send to Prof. Oak and he gives you points and grades them. You can get more points by having the pokemon in the center of the frame,facing you,doing an attack or "Pose", or if there are multiple Pokemon of the same species ex more Butterfree in a Butterfree photo. Your goal of the game is to catch them all!(their photos that is lol) throughout the game and finish the pokemon report. Not all of the 151 pokemon are in the game but alot of them are though. You get different items throughout playing by reaching a total score limit, those items help you attract pokemon or wake them up or can be used to unlock secret pathways(which u have to do to beat the game) which in turn unlock new levels with new pokemon. Like theres one part where you throw an apple at a charmander or charmeleon it falls into LAVA and it EVOLVES INTO A CHARIZARD! You can do the courses multiple times to get better scores and to get better photos to progress through the game. Its definetly fun and funny at times and people joke about how its the original Pokemon Go lol. I recommend you watch my video its actually really funny and even if you don't like the game you'll get a kick out of it and will definitely laugh regardless. Also im doing Pokken Tournament,Pokemon Snap,,Pokemon Stadium And Pokemon Yellow for Pokemon Month, Im going to do a Nuzlocke of Red version for Next month so look forward to that lol XD! Oh P.S you can get Pokemon Snap on the Wii Shop Channel on your Wii or if you go into Wii Mode on your Wii U you can use the Wii Shop Channel from there to buy it for $10. Or you can be like me buy an n64 an play it on there lol