Gaming Lets Play Sleep tight - Peanut butter Jelly Jelly - Joe Gameplay


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Freedom! Member
Wad up noobs this game is fantastic it's about kids building a pillow fort defending there bedroom from monsters you have guns walls and turrets this is a tower defence game but its great concept behind it children defending their bedrooms from monsters it's awesome you get guns like a water gun it's great this game is also in birds eye view which ain't so bad if I'm honest with you I really think you guys should check it out. This kid known as Joe says some funny stuff like peanut butter jelly jelly and the amazing word known as BANGARANG!!! can anyone of you guys tell me what movie that word is from leave a comment on the video letting me know what film you think its from and i will let you no if you got it right :D Hope you all enjoy the video and don't forget to KEEP IT SEXY EVERYONE!!

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