Peeved about youtube


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 11, 2014
New Zealand
Urgh, I have to rant about something that bothers me soo much. Like, I put a lot of time and effort into my videos, like I can be recording and editing for sometimes as long as 9 hours a day. Because I don't work, I try to sink the time into growing and building my channel because Youtube is something I am super passionate about.
My issue is, that no one seems to give a **** one seems to want to take the time to come and check out my videos. Like, even when I've posted stuff on these forums, people have commented on my threads saying oh come and check out my thread is not for you to advertise your channel on, unless I asked for a channel link. I just think it's bloody rude if you ask me. All I'm asking is a little respect from the community and for people to actually come and check out my channel once in a while. And if gaming isn't your thing, I have a vlogging channel also if you would prefer to check that out...
It's just hard being such a small channel and trying to find people who genuinely watch and enjoy your videos...


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Jul 19, 2014
Arcadia Bay
@Jodie Dempsey Well i get your meaning.
However it is not something you really can do anything about, just keep post quality content, promote using social medias.
A good thing is to do collaborations with other youtubers, who do same things like you.

Myself i do pretty much solo videos and such. However only around a hundred subscribers and 13k views.
Its going slow, but if you just keep working it will pay off in the long run.

Just don't think about grow fast, but think about do whatever you can to improve your channel, your content and your communication towards your audience. That way you can achive audience who are willing to stay tuned with you.


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Apr 13, 2014
Where the sun doesn't shine
Well, if you're relying on this forum for your channel growth, you're not gonna go anywhere anytime soon. This forum isn't the best place to advertise your videos since most of the communities are YouTubers who are here to find collaborations, talk YouTube related stuff, or simply spam their channel everywhere no matter what the thread is.

What you can do is advertise your video on social medias with relevant hashtags, like using #Minecraft to advertise Minecraft content or use reddit which also help boost your view count by a bit, but you can only advertise once after you reply to 10 other reddit posts to encourage proper reddiquette.
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Fourth Wall Games

A Sarcastic Brit
Aug 17, 2014
London, UK
This is what happens in any field of entertainment. The later you enter the field the harder it will be. YouTube is 10 years old, so the way of looking at it is that you are 10 years late. It will take a lot longer to gain any traction than it did people who started 5+ years ago as there is so much more competition.

I would say on average it will take a lot of people a year to hit 100 subs now.

YouTube should be for your entertainment, do it because you enjoy it and the numbers will come. As soon as you concentrate on the subs and views you will get disappointing and lose motivation.
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Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
I hear ya...
Ive been doing this over 3 years now...
Accumulated over 1000 subscribers
But I put out a video yesterday that only got 1 view.... ... yes 1!

We all have low moments...

But there really is only two options... give in to the dissapointment and quit. Or persevere, create and stay hopeful of the future.
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Mythic User
These forums really aren't the best place to promote, pretty much everyone here is also running their own channel and don't have time to check out new content. Best things to do, is use this forum to find way to improve and get your channel out there. I found some great tips to growing my channel when I first joined these forums, sometimes you just have to dig a bit through which are useful and which aren't :D


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Urgh, I have to rant about something that bothers me soo much. Like, I put a lot of time and effort into my videos, like I can be recording and editing for sometimes as long as 9 hours a day. Because I don't work, I try to sink the time into growing and building my channel because Youtube is something I am super passionate about.
My issue is, that no one seems to give a **** one seems to want to take the time to come and check out my videos. Like, even when I've posted stuff on these forums, people have commented on my threads saying oh come and check out my thread is not for you to advertise your channel on, unless I asked for a channel link. I just think it's bloody rude if you ask me. All I'm asking is a little respect from the community and for people to actually come and check out my channel once in a while. And if gaming isn't your thing, I have a vlogging channel also if you would prefer to check that out...
It's just hard being such a small channel and trying to find people who genuinely watch and enjoy your videos...
Some part of the community is helpfull but there is also the part that only care about themself and advertise. We all want to gain growth but i agree that self advertisement on a thread of other people is a act of shame and shouldn't be done...
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Rising User
Mar 31, 2016
YouTube is now a "slow and steady wins the race". Use instagram and twitter and make sure you are using good tags for the video. Unfortunately, the gaming scene on YouTube is flooded with people putting up content. You will have to put together something that really makes you stand out against everyone else.

If you try and use reddit to promote......just be ready. That place is harsh and can be a bit of a downer.

I am in a bit of the same boat. My views have slowed down and so have my subs. I dont do gaming videos but the community I am in is very small, so I am not really planning on "exploding" on the YouTube scene.

Just keep releasing quality content on a regular basis.
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Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
Urgh, I have to rant about something that bothers me soo much. Like, I put a lot of time and effort into my videos, like I can be recording and editing for sometimes as long as 9 hours a day. Because I don't work, I try to sink the time into growing and building my channel because Youtube is something I am super passionate about.
My issue is, that no one seems to give a **** one seems to want to take the time to come and check out my videos. Like, even when I've posted stuff on these forums, people have commented on my threads saying oh come and check out my thread is not for you to advertise your channel on, unless I asked for a channel link. I just think it's bloody rude if you ask me. All I'm asking is a little respect from the community and for people to actually come and check out my channel once in a while. And if gaming isn't your thing, I have a vlogging channel also if you would prefer to check that out...
It's just hard being such a small channel and trying to find people who genuinely watch and enjoy your videos...
It's the struggle as a small YouTube channel. About 75 percent of my comments are people spamming a shout out series on my video or asking me to view their channel. A lot of people don't come to your channel unless they think you'd be a potential sub. Granted, it's good to grow relationships with people and have conversation, but most don't see anything past the sub count. You'll get a small following before long, so just keep doing you, but realize that it will be a struggle. People are going to be selfish, just keep on going forward and enjoy what you do!

This Is Ethan

Respected User
Freedom! Member
May 7, 2015
Don't focus on the haters. Focus on what YOU want to do. Focus on YOUR videos. But most importantly, focus on YOUR fans, the people who support you.

Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
Thanks everyone for all your positive encouragement and support! I deff won't stop making videos because it is something I really really enjoy and want to keep doing! I'll try not to focus on numbers and just focus on why I'm doing it, which is because it's fun and I enjoy it :)
That's where youtube becomes more of a hobby rather than a chore! Keep your head up and keep being awesome ;)