Unexpected low performance on custom built AMD PC


Rising User
Feb 27, 2016
I have had this problem before, I solved it by reinstalling windows 10. It sort of fixed it. I went from around 30 fps to at least 120 fps on csgo (which I use to get at least 200 while recording) Now I am back down to around 80 and I can't even record without it going down to around 30. I really do not know what the problem is at this point. I would reinstall windows 10 again but my internet is terrible so I would hate to take around a whole week of leaving my computer on at night just to redownload a fraction of my games (not an exaggeration, 600kb down 500 up). I am literally up for trying anything at this point, even if it requires me to do a factory reset if that is absolutely necessary. In a few days I will be bringing my computer to an IT guy to see if he can find a solution but for now this is my best bet. Thank you for even trying!


GPU: AMD R9 290x Vapor X 8GB
CPU: AMD fx 8350 4.0ghz
RAM: 8gb (I think it's kingston I really have no clue)
Storage: Toshiba 2TB
MB: ASROCK 990fx Extreme 9
PSU: 600psu

Things I have tried:

Multiple virus scans
Reinstall the game
Reinstall steam
Reinstall my GPU drivers
Reinstall windows 10
Defragged my HDD

My cpu is not bottlenecking my gpu (It only gets to around 15% while playing said games on task manager). Even minecraft gets a huge hit to performance (usually 400+fps, now 30 with optifine installed).

If any more information is needed, please ask! Thanks again!

I also forgot to mention that changing the settings of games seem to do absolutely nothing. It does not matter if the graphics are set to the lowest or the highest, it is always the same. I think this is weird but it's just me.

(I am just scared my psu is not strong enough)

I just want to record while playing at a decent fps.


Rising User
Feb 27, 2016
To me it sounds like when you start recording you get a huge performance hit. Does this happen when you're not recording? Also have you experienced any Thermal Shutdowns recently?
When I'm not recording I only get around 80fps (in csgo) but it's normally atleast 200. Also no thermal shutdowns. My GPU and CPU clock in at around 50c each.

Inspire GFX

Respected User
Freedom! Member
right. Well one thing to note is when recording on the same HDD it can cause a HUGE performance hit. I have a seperate hard drive for recording to and only for recording. But that does however not fix the problem of when you're not recording. I am a bit stumped on this one. One guess would maybe be a driver issue. Have you tried rolling back the drivers to an earlier date?
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Rising User
Feb 27, 2016
right. Well one thing to note is when recording on the same HDD it can cause a HUGE performance hit. I have a seperate hard drive for recording to and only for recording. But that does however not fix the problem of when you're not recording. I am a bit stumped on this one. One guess would maybe be a driver issue. Have you tried rolling back the drivers to an earlier date?
I've tried rolling back the drivers, reinstalling the drivers, and everything. I also use to record my recordings on a seperate HDD but it was the same thing. So I took it out and started building another PC with it.


Rising User
Feb 27, 2016
also as a question do you notice and sluggish performance outside of games? Like in windows itself or in applications?
Not at all. Sometimes something will be a little slow but 99% of the time it runs extremely fast.

Inspire GFX

Respected User
Freedom! Member
That is truly strange.. have you tested this with multiple games? Besides Minecraft and CSGO? As minecraft relies more on your CPU then gpu i would lean towards it being something with the CPU. However if you could stress test on a GPU demanding game if you have one available then you could compare your results with results online to see if you near the same or close to it.


Rising User
Feb 27, 2016
That is truly strange.. have you tested this with multiple games? Besides Minecraft and CSGO? As minecraft relies more on your CPU then gpu i would lean towards it being something with the CPU. However if you could stress test on a GPU demanding game if you have one available then you could compare your results with results online to see if you near the same or close to it.
I play arma 3 a decent amount and I only get around 22 fps when I use to get atleast 50 on high settings (I play low now)

Inspire GFX

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Hm... that is weird. I am stumped sadly to say the least. I know arma does take up a good amount of CPU usage as well. If your cpu is running at a low percentage on Arma then i would lean towards your cpu being the issue as stated above. Other then that i truly have no idea what could cause this sorry :(


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Mar 3, 2016
Hi Blake

What brand PSU?
How old is the HDD?
Is it the only storage solution in your system?
Do you know the brand and model of said HDD?

I'm basing my judgment on either a cheap ebay special for PSU or we're talking quite an old hard drive which is having the task of running the O/S and its services, load constant game data and being asked to record all at the same time, that small component can bring a system to its knee's.

The CPU & GPU are perfectly capable of running modern games at medium to high settings.


Rising User
Feb 27, 2016
Hi Blake

What brand PSU?
How old is the HDD?
Is it the only storage solution in your system?
Do you know the brand and model of said HDD?

I'm basing my judgment on either a cheap ebay special for PSU or we're talking quite an old hard drive which is having the task of running the O/S and its services, load constant game data and being asked to record all at the same time, that small component can bring a system to its knee's.

The CPU & GPU are perfectly capable of running modern games at medium to high settings.

I have looked into it and my cpu is running way more hot than 50c on load. I tested it 3 more times all on different apps and my cpu is running around 65-75 while idle so I think this may be the problem. They say it is thermal throttling my computer.

My psu is a XG-H600 (not a good one from what I understand but it has been working fine) people tell me this can't be a problem with low performance as a bad psu will just crash the pc and cause shutdowns.

My HDD is a 2 year old 2TB toshiba. I did a few tests on it around last week (de fragged it and some other things) but I might have missed something.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Mar 3, 2016
If your CPU is idling at 65-70c then that's certainly the fault.

I wouldn't be surprised if your hitting triple figures underload.

So the next thing to check is the CPU cooler, Take it off, clean both the CPU and cooler of thermal compound, put new paste on the cooler (small blob is enough) and make sure the cooler is properly back on and then re test.

If you're using a water cooler such as the Corsair H100 there could be issues with the unit such as the pump is on its way out.

Have you experienced any system lock ups or instant shut downs? once a CPU reaches its thermal limit it should shut the system down to prevent any damage.


Rising User
Feb 27, 2016
If your CPU is idling at 65-70c then that's certainly the fault.

I wouldn't be surprised if your hitting triple figures underload.

So the next thing to check is the CPU cooler, Take it off, clean both the CPU and cooler of thermal compound, put new paste on the cooler (small blob is enough) and make sure the cooler is properly back on and then re test.

If you're using a water cooler such as the Corsair H100 there could be issues with the unit such as the pump is on its way out.

Have you experienced any system lock ups or instant shut downs? once a CPU reaches its thermal limit it should shut the system down to prevent any damage.

I am using a stock cpu fan and I defiantly need new thermal paste. I have taken my fan off and on multiple times without reapplying new thermal paste. I am buying a new cpu fan and new thermal paste and I will post my results.

Also I am not hitting triple but I have hit around 82c. I think I had a shutdown once but I never thought anything of it.

Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
Im not sure if anyone suggested this or not but AMD cpus have options like cool and quiet which you should turn off in your bios if you want peak performance from your cpu.


But yeah sounds like you must have thermal problems if its getting that hot...

I wonder how hot mine is... my computer pumps heat like a space heater...
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Logan Bloomfield

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Dec 7, 2016
I am using a stock cpu fan and I defiantly need new thermal paste. I have taken my fan off and on multiple times without reapplying new thermal paste. I am buying a new cpu fan and new thermal paste and I will post my results.

Also I am not hitting triple but I have hit around 82c. I think I had a shutdown once but I never thought anything of it.
I have had the same CPU and ave noticed that if holds back my GPU for some reason moved to an intel and working like a charm idk why this is but this is just my experience with it