Gaming what's up?


New User
Freedom! Member
Sep 1, 2014
United States
in the internet world i'm known as DBZWii09... but in the real world i'm known as Mike.
i found Freedom when i was tweeting out some stuff that interests me quite a lot. from one mention by the network on the twitter space, i've grown a small bit from when i started back in 2014.
since i wanted to get more attention, i felt like coming here to share the stuff i've made ever since i joined back in 2014.
regarding my interests, i personally love watching anime series, playing the video games, and listening to some music.
to be honest, i could go on for DAYS with what food i love the most... but i'll just do a mini top 5: cheeseburgers, chicken, baked potatoes, sirloin steak, and rice.
how i started YouTube is quite a long story but i'll just tell the TL;DR version of it: i once posted videos of some old games i played on the PC until they somehow stopped for some reason. i took a long hiatus from making videos until i returned in 2014, doing what i do best: making gaming videos for all to enjoy.
honestly, if i get enough followers, i could grow to be as famous as PewDiePie, just to name an example.
since i have already given away what my channel's content includes, i might as well tell when i upload. i usually upload a few times each week, but i could get easily sidetracked from uploading. it happens, and i'm not too ashamed to admit it.
btw im 23 years old and i live in the United States.
my channel can be found at this link, if anyone wants to go see what i have available at the moment:
in conclusion, i hope u enjoy what i have to bring to the Freedom family. for now, ive got things to do.