Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'd would Like to Formally invite the fine people of the Freedom forums to join the Lux Community.
Just a heads up but there is a minimum age of 16 to join the Discord.

Lux Community Discord is a place to find other creators to seek advice from, collaborate with and share your content with other creators, streamers and members of the Gaming Community.
Also just to clarify while Lux Community does operate primarily in the gaming sector, it is not limited to it and any kind of content is welcome.
We can still help you out!

Obviously we have a few rules for the discord they are as follows;
(While the rule List is here be sure to check it on Discord aswell as changes may occur).
1. No excessive swearing in chats
2a. You can advertise your PERSONAL discord [i.e Sale's Stream - Operated by Saleman_89]
2b. You CANNOT advertise other discord servers that operate the same as LUX Community
3. Do not spam admins with questions, if you require help, please post in the #support channel or join the Support VOIP channel
4. Type in full sentences [We understand that people may not speak English as their main language, but please complete a sentence, there is an edit option]
5. No Discrimination/Racism/Bullying of any kind will be tolerated in the LUX Community Discord Server or over Direct Messages. [If you have a problem with a fellow member, please message an admin or founder]
6. No Posting NSFW Images/content keep that to the DM's

Join us here: https://discord.gg/qpnxzu3

Thanks for your time.

- OrdinaryBiscuit (Lux Community Founder)