100 subs

  1. Daniel Michalsky

    Subscriber Milestone 100 NEARING 150!!

  2. M.Adams

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subscribers! :D

    Finally got to 100 subscribers! So excited :D
  3. T

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subscribers

    I've been around since 2012, but I've really only started getting serious in early August. After about a month of consistency, I hit the 100 sub mark! Let's keep growing! :p
  4. GeorgeHD

    Subscriber Milestone I Have Finally Achieved 100 Subscribers

    I have finally gotten to my big milestone of 100+ subscribers took me about 3 months of uploading videos and more and I wish my next milestone is 1k.
  5. ThatNerdWithTheHair

    Subscriber Milestone Moving on up!! (First 100!)

    I'm so happy!! I finally got to 100! (Currently at 104!) Also, 2k views! So grateful for each and every subscriber and I'm going to work hard to make more and improve my content! To celebrate, I gave myself a CUSTOM URL! I can now be found at: https://www.youtube.com/thatnerdwiththehair...
  6. Eldridge Coutinho

    Subscriber Milestone Finally hit 100 subs

    Just hit 100 subs on my channel feels awesome!!! Cant wait to make more videos now.
  7. 程禹(Cheng Yu)

    訂閱人數里程碑 【程禹】100訂閱! 心得&回饋影片

    【終於100訂閱了】#長篇文注意 在2015年時在YouTube看到很多YouTuber的影片,有非常多的類型YouTuber [ex:生活分享、遊戲實況] 為什麼我會選擇學習當一個「Gamer.YouTuber」 純粹是因為喜歡玩遊戲,甚至不用露臉就可以經營YouTube頻道 也是因為我的好朋友 #搖O 經營實況團隊多年 才順利的加入了【實況界】這個大家族。 雖然之後因為一些因素而退團,但.. 沒有GOOOO KOOO遊戲實況團隊 就不會有程禹。 退團之後,我發現了 Freedom 中文!也申請了 Freedom!合作夥伴的申請。...
  8. D

    Gaming CS:GO On My Channel Check It Out

    Hey Guys Im Mistyy I Do CS:GO On My YouTube Channel and I Upload Every 2 Days I Just Hit 100 Subscribers Last Night and There Shall Be a 100 Sub Special Dropping Tonight Or Tomorrow at 4:30 PM Help Me Get To 150 Subs Or 200 Subs It Would Mean A lot
  9. S

    Gaming Can You Help Me Reach 100 Subs?

    Hello I am a youtuber who is trying to make it big someday and every day I push myself harder and herder to reach my goal. My goal for 2016 is to hit 100 subs. I made that goal at about 20 subs I am now at 42. Can you please help me reach my goal for 2016...
  10. McDirtBag TV

    Subscriber Milestone Reached 100 subs!

    I cant believe this guys. I remeber when i was stuck at 40 subs i couldnt get to 50 at all. this means so much to me.
  11. AbulChannel

    Subscriber Milestone I HIT 50 SUBS in ONE WEEK

    Finally I hit My second target in one week My Target : 10 subs (done) 50 subs (done) My next target of 100 subs which is the most difficult point for the youtuber to achieve it. I hope i can hit that point Special Thanks to youtube for promoting my vlog for free and FREEDOM! for growing my...
  12. CoatesFamilyVlogs

    Subscriber Milestone My Goal - 100 subs by July 24th (NEXT LEVEL)

    Hi Guys, After Georges video about seeing YouTube milestones as level ups I'm feeling pretty fired up to chase after the next level. I'm currently on 46 subscribers and I want to be on 100 by July 24th 2016 (which just happens to be my 30th Birthday) It feels ambitious; it's more than double...
  13. Reaver152

    Subscriber Milestone Just Passed 100 Subscribers!!

    What's up guys! I just passed 100 subs and I am psyched to start forging ahead towards 200 and beyond! Love Youtube, love the Freedom Network; and LOVE you's guys!!! (Insert sappy music here) (End sappy moment) :p
  14. Nick Murray

    Request My new editing style. Review?

    Ok, so I've been doing my vids a bit different in layout, how I edit, ect. So, can you guys look at these vids and tell me what you think? (NOTE) This is not actually 19 min long, only 11... XD Next one is my FIRST one that I edited differently... :D
  15. SkynzorsVariety


    Hi every single one of you epic family members, I made a VLOG to show my gratitude, talk a bit about my social media and show of the epic supporters of my channel, you EPIC PEOPLE! :D
  16. MinstrellHD 2

    Subscriber Milestone Nearing 100 SUBSCRIBERS

    I'm nearing 100 beautiful subscribers, will you help me get there?? It would be very much appreciated https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBDcs2au_pkxPDRD7W60gA?sub_confirmation=1
  17. Prototype Ninja1

    Subscriber Milestone 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!

    Finally reached 100 subs :) it wasnt long ago i got 50 subs now im at 100, hopefully i can get to 200 soon for the next celebration :D
  18. AlmightyKRob

    Entertainment 100 SUBSCRIBERS THANK YOU SPECIAL!! (Started From The Bottom) I LOVE YOU GUYS!

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuSKSnvgrLmOMqsaxyWQdHA Thank you Freedom! Family :)
  19. Adam Smith

    Subscriber Milestone I GOT OVER 100 SUBS!!!

    One day I was on YouTube and I came across a YouTube rapper called DeStorm Power and I thought to myself I can do that too. Right? Turns out I can't rap but what I can do is edit and game. One day while I was looking for a tune to rap with and I came across a gaming channel, now this I can do...
  20. BiscuitBro

    Subscriber Milestone I REACHED 100 SUBS!

    I hit this milestone like a week or two ago but I just cant figure out a good way to say thanks to my subs. I tried a live stream but my internet is to slow. Any suggestions? Thanks to everyone who has supported my channel!