Gaming Introducing Games With Greene! !!!

Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
Exactly! I will play anything that I can just to see what it's about, as for if I will play it like hours upon hours at a time, I don't really think so, but I will always give it a try!
Sometimes the games that you just want to give a try end up being great games! Who knows, it's all part of the process
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Kingdom Ginger

Respected User
I play on Xbox one and PC, I pretty much play what ever looks fun to me, and if I think I can make a video on it I will sure try! I am always open to suggestions. As of now there is only Call of Duty videos on my channel however I will be uploading something a little different later this week! With my work schedule I havent had a chance to record and my sister just had a baby so I have been extremely busy!
Fair enough man, congratulations on becoming an Uncle dude! First time Uncle???